Avrae Commands

This page is a list of all commands, subcommands, and valid arguments that Avrae can parse.

Avrae's command system is split into distinct modules. All commands are called by starting a message with the message prefix (default !, but can be configured), followed by the command name.


Random character generator.

!randchar [level]

Rolls up a random 5e character.

![randname|name] [race] [option]

Generates a random name, optionally from a given race.


Rolls random stats.


Core utilty and general commands.


Information about the bot.


Prints a link to the official changelog.


!changelog [follow|subscribe]

Subscribes to the changelog in this channel.


Displays information about your D&D Beyond account link.


Prints a link to invite Avrae to your server.


Checks the ping time to the bot.


Commands to help streamline using the bot.

!alias [name] [code]

Creates a custom user command.


!alias autofix

Ensures that all server and subscribed workshop aliases have unique names.

!alias [delete|remove] <name>

Deletes a alias.

!alias [deleteall|removeall]

Deletes ALL user aliases.

!alias list [page=1]

Lists all aliases.

!alias rename <old_name> <new_name>

Renames an alias or subscribed workshop alias to a new name.

!alias serve <name>

Sets an alias as a server alias or subscribes the server to the workshop collection it is found in.

!alias [subscribe|sub] <url>

Subscribes to all aliases and snippets in a workshop collection.

!alias [unsubscribe|unsub] <name>

Unsubscribes from all aliases and snippets in a given workshop collection.

!cvar [name] [value]

Commands to manage character variables for use in snippets and aliases.


!cvar [deleteall|removeall]

Deletes ALL character variables for the active character.

!cvar list

Lists all cvars for the currently active character.

!cvar [remove|delete] <name>

Deletes a cvar from the currently active character.

![globalvar|gvar] [name]

Commands to manage global, community variables for use in snippets and aliases.


!globalvar create <value>

Creates a global variable.

!globalvar edit <name> <value>

Edits a global variable.

!globalvar editor <name> [user]

Toggles the editor status of a user.

!globalvar list

Lists all global variables for the user.

!globalvar [remove|delete] <name>

Deletes a global variable.

!multiline <cmds>

Runs each line as a separate command, with a 1 second delay between commands.

!prefix [prefix]

Sets the bot's prefix for this server.

![servalias|serveralias] [name] [code]

Adds an alias that the entire server can use.


!servalias autofix

Ensures that all server and subscribed workshop aliases have unique names.

!servalias [delete|remove] <name>

Deletes a server alias.

!servalias list [page=1]

Lists all server aliases.

!servalias rename <old_name> <new_name>

Renames a server alias or subscribed workshop server alias to a new name.

!servalias [subscribe|sub] <url>

Subscribes to all aliases and snippets in a workshop collection.

!servalias [unsubscribe|unsub] <name>

Unsubscribes from all aliases and snippets in a given workshop collection.


Opens the server settings menu. You must have Manage Server permissions to use this command.

![servervar|svar] [name] [value]

Commands to manage server variables for use in snippets and aliases.


!servervar list

Lists all svars for the server.

!servervar [remove|delete] <name>

Deletes a svar from the server.

![servsnippet|serversnippet] [name] [code]

Creates a snippet that the entire server can use.


!servsnippet autofix

Ensures that all server and subscribed workshop aliases have unique names.

!servsnippet [delete|remove] <name>

Deletes a server snippet.

!servsnippet list [page=1]

Lists all server snippets.

!servsnippet rename <old_name> <new_name>

Renames a server snippet or subscribed workshop server snippet to a new name.

!servsnippet [subscribe|sub] <url>

Subscribes to all aliases and snippets in a workshop collection.

!servsnippet [unsubscribe|unsub] <name>

Unsubscribes from all aliases and snippets in a given workshop collection.

!snippet [name] [code]

Creates a snippet to use in certain commands.


!snippet autofix

Ensures that all server and subscribed workshop aliases have unique names.

!snippet [delete|remove] <name>

Deletes a snippet.

!snippet [deleteall|removeall]

Deletes ALL user snippets.

!snippet list [page=1]

Lists all snippets.

!snippet rename <old_name> <new_name>

Renames a snippet or subscribed workshop snippet to a new name.

!snippet serve <name>

Sets a snippet as a server snippet or subscribes the server to the workshop collection it is found in.

!snippet [subscribe|sub] <url>

Subscribes to all aliases and snippets in a workshop collection.

!snippet [unsubscribe|unsub] <name>

Unsubscribes from all aliases and snippets in a given workshop collection.

!tembed <teststr>

Parses teststr as if it were in an alias, for testing, then creates and prints an Embed.

!test <teststr>

Parses teststr as if it were in an alias, for testing.

![uservar|uvar] [name] [value]

Commands to manage user variables for use in snippets and aliases.


!uservar [deleteall|removeall]

Deletes ALL user variables.

!uservar list

Lists all uvars for the user.

!uservar [remove|delete] <name>

Deletes a uvar from the user.


Dice and math related commands.

![iterroll|rrr] <iterations> <dice> [dc] [args]

Rolls dice in xdy format, given a set dc.

![monattack|ma|monster_attack] <monster_name> [atk_name] [args]

Rolls a monster's attack.


!monattack list <monster_name>

Lists a monster's attacks.

![moncast|mcast|monster_cast] <monster_name> <spell_name> [args]

Casts a spell as a monster.

![moncheck|mc|monster_check] <monster_name> <check> [args]

Rolls a check for a monster.

![monsave|ms|monster_save] <monster_name> <save_stat> [args]

Rolls a save for a monster.

![multiroll|rr] <iterations> <dice>

Rolls dice in xdy format a given number of times.

![roll|r] [dice=1d20]

Roll is used to roll any combination of dice in the XdY format. (1d6, 2d8, etc)


Link your D&D Beyond campaign to a Discord channel to see players' rolls in real time!

!campaign [campaign_link]

Links a D&D Beyond campaign to this channel, displaying rolls made on players' character sheets in real time.


!campaign list

Lists all campaigns connected to this channel.

!campaign remove <name>

Unlinks a campaign from this channel.


Commands to help track game resources.

!cast <spell_name> [args]

Casts a spell.

![customcounter|cc] [name] [modifier]

Commands to implement custom counters.


!customcounter create <name> [args]

Creates a new custom counter.

!customcounter [delete|remove] <name>

Deletes a custom counter.

!customcounter edit <name> [args]

Edits an existing custom counter replacing passed arguments.

!customcounter reset [args...]

Resets custom counters, hp, death saves, and spell slots.

!customcounter [summary|list] [page=1]

Prints a summary of all custom counters.


Commands to help track character information in a game. Use !help game to view subcommands.


!game [coinpurse|coins|coin] [args]

Manage your character's coinpurse.


!game coinpurse [convert|consolidate]

Converts all of your coins into the highest value coins possible.

!game [deathsave|ds] [args]

Commands to manage character death saves.


!game deathsave [fail|f]

Adds a failed death save.

!game deathsave reset

Resets all death saves.

!game deathsave [success|s|save]

Adds a successful death save.

!game hp [hp]

Modifies the HP of the current active character.


!game hp max

Sets the character's HP to their maximum.

!game hp mod <hp>

Modifies the character's current HP.

!game hp set <hp>

Sets the character's HP to a certain value.

!game [longrest|lr] [args...]

Performs a long rest, resetting applicable counters.

!game [shortrest|sr] [args...]

Performs a short rest, resetting applicable counters.

!game [spellbook|sb]

DEPRECATED - use !spellbook instead.

!game [spellslot|ss] [level] [value] [args...]

Views or sets your remaining spell slots.

!game [status|summary]

Prints the status of the current active character.

!game thp [thp]

Modifies the temp HP of the current active character.

![spellbook|sb] [args...]

Commands to display a character's known spells and metadata.


!spellbook add <spell_name> [args]

Adds a spell to the spellbook override.

!spellbook remove <spell_name>

Removes a spell from the spellbook override.

!spellbook [remove_all|removeall]

Removes all spell overrides from the spellbook.


Commands to manage homebrew in Avrae.

!bestiary [name]

Commands to manage homebrew monsters.


!bestiary delete <name>

Deletes a bestiary from Avrae.

!bestiary import <url>

Imports a bestiary from Bestiary Builder or CritterDB.

!bestiary list

Lists your available bestiaries.

!bestiary server

Toggles whether the active bestiary should be viewable by anyone on the server.


!bestiary server list

Shows what bestiaries are currently active on the server.

!bestiary server [remove|delete] <bestiary_name>

Removes a server bestiary.

!bestiary update

Updates the active bestiary from Bestiary Builder or CritterDB.

!pack [name]

Commands to manage homebrew items.


!pack editor <user>

Allows another user to edit your active pack.

!pack list

Lists your available packs.

!pack server

Toggles whether the active pack should be viewable by anyone on the server.


!pack server list

Shows what packs are currently active on the server.

!pack server [remove|delete] <pack_name>

Removes a server pack.

!pack [subscribe|sub] <url>

Subscribes to another user's pack.

!pack [unsubscribe|unsub] <name>

Unsubscribes from another user's pack.

!tome [name]

Commands to manage homebrew spells.


!tome editor <user>

Allows another user to edit your active tome.

!tome list

Lists your available tomes.

!tome server

Toggles whether the active tome should be viewable by anyone on the server.


!tome server list

Shows what tomes are currently active on the server.

!tome server [remove|delete] <tome_name>

Removes a server tome.

!tome [subscribe|sub] <url>

Subscribes to another user's tome.

!tome [unsubscribe|unsub] <name>

Unsubscribes from another user's tome.


Initiative tracking commands. Use !help init for more details.
To use, first start combat in a channel by saying "!init begin".
Then, each combatant should add themselves to the combat with "!init add ".
To hide a combatant's HP, add them with "!init add -h".
Once every combatant is added, each combatant should set their max hp with "!init hp max ".
Then, you can proceed through combat with "!init next".
Once combat ends, end combat with "!init end".
For more help, the !help command shows applicable arguments for each command.


Commands to help track initiative.


!init add <modifier> <name> [args]

Adds a generic combatant to the initiative order.

!init [attack|a|action] [atk_name] [args]

Rolls an attack against another combatant.


!init attack list [args...]

Lists the active combatant's attacks.

!init begin [args]

Begins combat in the channel the command is invoked in.

!init cast <spell_name> [args]

Casts a spell against another combatant.

!init [check|c] <check> [args]

Rolls an ability check as the current combatant.

!init effect <target_name> <effect_name> [args]

Attaches a status effect to a combatant.

!init end [args]

Ends combat in the channel.

!init hp <name> [hp]

Modifies the HP of a combatant.


!init hp max <name> [hp]

Sets a combatant's max HP, or sets HP to max if no max is given.

!init hp mod <name> <hp>

Modifies a combatant's current HP.

!init hp set <name> <hp>

Sets a combatant's HP to a certain value.

!init [join|cadd|dcadd] [args]

Adds the current active character to combat. A character must be loaded through the SheetManager module first.

!init [list|summary] [args...]

Lists the combatants.

!init madd <monster_name> [args]

Adds a monster to combat.

!init [meta|metaset] [settings]

Changes the settings of the active combat.

!init [move|goto] [target]

Moves to a certain initiative.

!init [next|n]

Moves to the next turn in initiative order.

!init nlp

Commands to manage the server's contributions to the Natural Language AI Training project.


!init nlp list

Displays a list of all channels in this server with active combat recordings.

!init nlp stopall

Stops the recording of messages in any currently active combats immediately.

!init note <name> [note]

Attaches a note to a combatant.


!init note [remove|delete] <name>

Removes a note from a combatant.

!init [offturnattack|aoo|offturnaction|oa] <combatant_name> [atk_name] [args]

Rolls an attack as another combatant.

!init [offturncast|rc|reactcast] <combatant_name> <spell_name> [args]

Casts a spell as another combatant.

!init [offturncheck|oc] <combatant_name> <check> [args]

Rolls an ability check as another combatant.

!init [offturnsave|os] <combatant_name> <save> [args]

Rolls an ability save as another combatant.

!init [opt|opts] <name> [args]

Edits the options of a combatant.

!init [prev|previous|rewind]

Moves to the previous turn in initiative order.

!init re <name> [effect]

Removes a status effect from a combatant or group. Removes all if effect is not passed.

!init remove <name>

Removes a combatant or group from the combat.

!init [reroll|shuffle] [args]

Rerolls initiative for all combatants, and starts a new round of combat.

!init [save|s] <save> [args]

Rolls an ability save as the current combatant.

!init [skipround|round|skiprounds] [numrounds=1]

Skips one or more rounds of initiative.

!init status [name] [args...]

Gets the status of a combatant or group.

!init thp <name> <thp>

Modifies the temporary HP of a combatant.


Commands to help look up items, status effects, rules, etc.

!background <name>

Looks up a background.

!class <name> [level]

Looks up a class, or all features of a certain level.

!classfeat <name>

Looks up a class feature.

![condition|status] [name]

Looks up a condition.

!feat <name>

Looks up a feat.

!item <name>

Looks up an item.

!monimage <name>

Shows a monster's image.

!monster <name>

Looks up a monster.

![race|species] <name>

Looks up a species.

![racefeat|speciesfeat] <name>

Looks up a species feature.

![rule|reference] [name]

Looks up a rule.

!spell <name>

Looks up a spell.

!subclass <name>

Looks up a subclass.

!token [name] [args]

Shows a monster or your character's token.


Commands to help streamline playing-by-post over Discord.


Prints a scene break.

!echo <msg>

Echos a message.

!embed <args>

Creates and prints an Embed.

!techo <seconds> <msg>

Echos a message, and deletes it after a number of seconds (0-600).


Commands to load a character sheet into Avrae, and supporting commands to modify the character, as well as basic macros.

![action|a|attack] [atk_name] [args]

Performs an action (attack or ability) for the current active character.


!action [add|create] <name> [args]

Adds an attack to the active character.

!action [delete|remove] <name>

Deletes an attack override.

!action import <data>

Imports an attack from JSON or YAML exported from the Avrae Dashboard.

!action list [args...]

Lists the active character's actions.

![character|char] [name]

View or change your current active character.


!character channel [name]

Sets the passed in character name as the channel character.


!character channel [reset|unset]

This will reset the current channel character and leave you with no currently set channel character.

!character delete <name>

Deletes a character.

!character list

Lists the characters owned by the user.

!character resetall

This will unset any channel and server-specific characters that have been set and force the current global character to be used everywhere on this server.

!character server [name]

Sets the passed in character name as the server character.


!character server [reset|unset]

This will reset the current server character and leave you with no currently set server character.

![check|c] <check> [args]

Rolls a check for your current active character.

!csettings [args...]

Opens the Character Settings menu.


Prints or edits a description of your currently active character.


!desc [remove|delete]

Removes the character description, returning to the default.

!desc [update|edit] <desc>

Updates the character description.

!import <url> [version] [args]

Loads a character sheet from one of the accepted sites:


Shows or edits the image of your currently active character.


!portrait [remove|delete]

Removes the character portrait, returning to the default.

!portrait [update|edit] <url>

Updates the character portrait.

![save|s] <skill> [args]

Rolls a save for your current active character.


!save death [args]

Equivalent to !game deathsave


Prints the embed sheet of your currently active character.

!transferchar <user>

Gives a copy of the active character to another user.

!update [args]

Updates the current character sheet, preserving all settings.


Commands to help learn how to use the bot.

!help [command]

Shows this message.

!tutorial [name]

Shows the current tutorial objective, lists the available tutorials if one is not active, or begins a new tutorial.


!tutorial end

Ends the current tutorial.

!tutorial list

Lists the available tutorials.

!tutorial skip

Skips the current objective, and moves on to the next part of the tutorial.